2017-2-15 16:12

Predictions and trends– What’s in store for mobile marketing in 2017?

Predictions and trends– What’s in store for mobile marketing in 2017?

2017 will be the year of major shifts for mobile marketing. Mobile technology is constantly evolving and changing, trends that were performing well a couple of months ago don’t work any longer.  This peculiar tendency demands mobile marketers to constantly come up with the up-to-date mobile marketing strategies.

Aligning mobile marketing strategy with mobile development strategy can be tricky. Collaborate with a mobile developer who thoroughly understands the latest mobile marketing and development trends. It will be truly beneficial in starting a successful mobile marketing campaign for 2017.

Brands and marketers should take advantage of the various communication methods, mobile channels and personalization abilities by including them in their marketing strategies to keep customers glued to their mobile devices. 

It’s important to keep up with the latest mobile marketing and development trends to stay ahead of the game, so here are the top mobile marketing predictions for 2017.

1.           Mobile-First will be the norm

With many brands (including Facebook) declaring themselves “mobile-first” companies in the previous years, majority of mobile advertisers are also likely to follow suit in 2017.

This means, marketers will have to create personalized ad units instead of including standard mobile ads into a single media buy. These new ad units can be personalized according to the user location, behavior, weather and events to make it more relevant to the user.



2.           Rise of Wearable technology

According to PwC survey conducted in 2016, almost half of survey respondents owned at least one wearable device. Fitness bands and smart watches are the most popular wearable devices lately. The makers and app developers of wearables can utilize this increasing popularity on a large scale.

Considering the diversity of wearable devices, wearable ads need more screen space and variety than other ads. The data from wearables also could help personalize ads and improve targeting. For example, a step tracker might be able to evaluate when a consumer is likely to require new pair of shoes and display running shoe ads at that time.

Marketers must be ready to distribute mobile content that is unique to the channel to be able to target right users.



3.           Live Mobile Video Streaming

Top social media websites such as Facebook, YouTube and Periscope offer live streaming features because they are aware that users love raw live videos. The total number of live streaming video viewers in the U.S. exceeded 200 million in 2015.

Live mobile streaming is a great way to engage users. Every brand can use this method to attract consumers through live videos. Live streaming can be used as customer support and to broadcast latest news updates. Boost your mobile marketing strategy by engaging with your customers in real-time.



4.           App Fever

Usual mobile ads concentrate on getting users to download their apps. In 2017, many mobile marketers are expected to try out more trends that leverage users’ data. If the marketers figure out which ads are most useful, they will be able to optimize better.

5.           Mobile Video will rule Social Media

Various studies have found that mobile video offers considerably better engagement rates than other ad formats. Social networking platform like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter know this trend very well. In 2017, they are expected to promote mobile video ads in order to improve the value of their ad space. Brands that can create short and captivating videos will be able to monetize this opportunity.

6.           Contextual marketing

Marketers and brands will emphasize on contextual marketing through third party or Operating system level apps in 2017 and beyond. 

With Apple giving access to third parties through its owned services such as iMessage, Maps, Siri, etc., contextual marketing created a new opportunity for mobile marketing.

7.           App fraud awareness

A research exposed fraudulent activities in almost 50% of uncertified applications. So, the utmost priority should be given to quality to avoid uncertified apps.

In the next few months, buyers will become more aware and use metadata from app stores to perform secure purchase. They are also likely to buy ad space within apps to prevent frauds.

8.           Location-based services

Location-based mobile marketing is the new battleground for the brands. Location based mobile marketing and advertising offers huge benefits for both businesses and consumers. It’s time for marketers to seize this opportunity to reach consumers in an effective way.



9.           Push notifications

Push notifications are the best way to remind your consumers about your app. But they must be used strategically – too many unrelated notifications may infuriate the app users, whereas too less will fail to engage them.



Marketers are always on a lookout for the latest cutting edge technique to stay ahead of the game. With mobile marketing and development evolving swiftly, it is important to try out new trends regularly. 

Mobile marketing is known as the king of marketing industry. To keep its throne, every mobile marketing trend has to be agile, safe, and proficient. This means, we can anticipate strict anti-fraud actions, varied ad types and advanced programmatic delivery in 2017.